I’ve walked through the fire, enduring federal prison—4 years, 4 months, and 12 days. But here’s the thing: I’m free now—physically, mentally, and spiritually.
Just like you, I have faced struggles, heartache, and pain. But through it all, I have become happier, wiser, and better. I found peace, and so can you. Your story is not over—it is just beginning. Read and master these 25 stoic principles.
- What do you have to lose by taking a chance? You started with nothing, so every step forward—big or small—is a victory.
- Discipline is training your mind not to give a damn. If it’s hard, it hurts, or it sucks, too bad. If it needs to get done—get it done.
- Sometimes the step you take today is the most important one that will change your entire life. So, take it.
- When pain, anger, or misery strike, don’t look around for answers—find the strength within yourself.
- Stop dwelling on how long or hard the road seems. Focus on the powerful and inspiring story you’ll tell when you emerge stronger.
- Choose people who lift you higher, not those who drag you down. Soar with those who inspire greatness.
- Picture the day you stand tall, look around, and proudly declare, “I’m back.” That day is closer than you think.
- Live, but don’t allow yourself to be used. Love, but don’t allow your heart to be abused. Trust, but verify. Listen, but don’t lose your own voice.
- A man who walks with purpose doesn’t need applause to move forward. He knows exactly where he’s going, and that’s all that matters.
- Your next chapter will leave some people wishing they’d treated you better and stuck around. Let them regret it while you rise higher.
- Don’t walk away to teach others a lesson; walk away because you’ve learned your own.
- Tell yourself every day: “I may not be fully healed, but I’m moving forward because I owe it to myself. I deserve to be happy again.”
- Be the person others can rely on in their darkest moments when the demons come. Strength isn’t just for you—it’s for those who need you, too.
- Confidence doesn’t mean hoping people like you. It means knowing you’ll thrive, whether they do or not.
- You lose absolutely nothing when you walk away from someone who treats you like you’re worth nothing.
- Work like failure isn’t an option because you don’t know how to quit. There’s no backup plan—you’re the plan, and you’ve got this.
- Your main priority right now is getting your life on track and becoming a better you. This chapter of your life is for you. Let others adjust—or get out of your way.
- Some people only notice what you don’t do, not all the things you do. Their blind spots don’t define your worth.
- When you truly don’t care what anyone thinks of you, you’ve reached a dangerously awesome level of freedom.
- Storms don’t last forever, but the strength and resilience they leave behind will make you unstoppable.
- Sit with friends who protect your name when you’re not around. Those are the ones who truly have your back.
- Don’t trust words of love; trust the actions that prove it. Real love isn’t spoken—it’s shown.
- Marcus Aurelius said, “We live only now. Everything else is either past or unknown.” So, own today—completely.
- If people are talking behind your back, remember—they’re behind you for a reason. Keep moving forward.
- Gratitude breeds happiness. Stop counting your troubles and start thanking God for the ones you don’t have.